Allison is an army wife with a creative side. Currently residing in Colorado with her family, she loves to do crafts, paint, decorate, and take photos. She originally started A Glimpse Inside for her family and friends to keep up with her and her own family as they move about with the Army, but it has now turned into so much more. She writes about crafts, thrifty finds, re-dos, their house and their family’s life and adventures.
For Mother’s Day, we invited Allison to share stories about her mom, and her thoughts about being a mother herself.
On her mom:
Describe your mom in 3 words.
Supportive, loving, talented
Describe what your mom means to you in one sentence.
My mom is someone I can always count on no matter what is happening.
What’s your favorite activity to do with your mom?
We enjoy shopping for craft items together.
What are you most grateful to your mother for?
My mom has always been very supportive and there for me even when I wasn’t always that grateful for her.
What’s your favorite way to show your mom that you care?
I live pretty far away from my mom so it would probably be the simple act of just calling to talk.
Are there small things your mom does for you that lets you know she cares?
Since we live far away from each other, she likes to mail small gifts for me and my girls.
On being a mother:
What is your favorite part about being a mother? What is the most rewarding and most challenging aspect of it?
I enjoy watching my girls grow and learn new things. Plus, the snuggles and kisses are pretty great too! The most challenging aspect is the tantrums that are occurring right now with both of my children and trying to get them to understand certain things but with their ages it is different for them to complete comprehend.
Has motherhood changed how you decorate your home?
No actually. I still have everything out that I had out before children came along, including all the breakables. Now there are just some colorful toys thrown into the mix.
Has your mother influenced how you decorate and entertain in your home?
I don’t think she totally influenced me but I am sure the way she decorated has influenced some of my choices whether I know it or not.
What advice has your mother given you that you would also like to give to your children?
Enjoy your kids as much as you can when they are little and remember it is only a phase.
Is there an activity you do now that still reminds you of something you did with your mother as a child?
Nothing in particular that I can think of.
Do you have any springtime traditions you would like to pass on to your children and grandchildren?
Going together to the store to pick out flowers and planting them to give the outside some new life after the winter.
How do you and your family prepare your home for spring? Is there a specific piece of decor you put out that signifies spring has arrived?
I like to change up my décor with the seasons and even holidays. I don’t specifically have something I pull out to signify spring. I normally add more florals and bright colors to my décor.
What’s your idea of a perfect Mother’s Day celebration?
Just hanging out with my family. Doesn’t matter what we are doing whether having fun at home or just going out to eat, as long as we are together that is a great day!
Check out Allison’s blog post to see how she decorated her home with Balsam Hill’s Phalaenopsis Snowball Arrangement, Tall Silver Leaf Candle Holders, and Luminara Flameless Candles!