The Decorated Doorstep of Your Dreams

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Doorstep fully decorated by Balsam Hill

At last! The mantel is made, the candles are lit, and there is a big shiny star on top of the tree. We still haven’t found my mother’s Irish wool stockings (fingers crossed), but our Candy Cane Piñata Stockings are making pretty fun placeholders. From tree skirt to chimney, our house is ready for the big day. Now all that’s left to do is to spread that spirit outside. The Balsam Hill 3-Tier Wreath, Mixed Berry Topiary, and Holiday Welcome Mat come together to create the perfect doorstep arrangement that lets the world know that Christmas is on its way. It’s the finishing touch to a Handmade Charlotte + Balsam Hill Christmas.

Balsam Hill’s Holiday Script Coco Welcome Mat

Your front door sees a lot of faces during the holidays. Friends, relatives, party goers, the guy who keeps dropping boxes at our doorstep. Balsam Hill’s Holiday Script Coco Welcome Mat instantly makes guests feel at home with a big holiday ‘hello’ and sends them off with warm wishes and a belly full of cider and apple pie.

Putting Balsam Hill’s German Nutcracker Soldier to the test

Now that our house is decked from hall to hall, we get to sit back, pour a cup of hot chocolate, and enjoy all that we’ve done over the last two weeks. No matter where you are in the decorating process, remember to take a step back and soak up each minute of this magical season. Thanks for letting my family and I share our favorite time of year with you. We’ve had so much fun decorating with our friends at Balsam Hill and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Handmade New Year!

As the grand finale of our Great Christmas Giveaway, we’re giving you the chance to win our entire decorated doorstep and more! This holiday jackpot includes the Balsam Hill Fraser Fir 3-Tier WreathTwo Bay Laurel with Mixed Berries Topiaries, Woodland Red Berry Sprays, Holiday Script Coco Welcome MatTwo 6-foot Nor­way Spruce Gar­lands60” Balsam Hill Fraser Fir Wreath (not pictured), and yes, even the Santa Bag!

Use the form below to enter the giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

All the winners of our giveaway series will be announced on Monday, December 15th… just as Santa is preparing for liftoff! In case you forgot, look below for links to all of the prizes. It’s not too late to enter!

Visit The Great Christ­mas Give­away Part 1 to win a new Bal­sam Hill Christ­mas tree, The Great Christ­mas Give­away Part 2 to win a lovely col­lec­tion of hol­i­day ornaments, The Great Christmas Giveaway Part 3 for a Handcrafted Chalkware Santa, and The Great Christmas Giveaway Part 4 for a collection of Woodland Forest ornaments.


  1. My favorite Christmas memory is waking up when I was little and seeing the tree and lights with all of the wrapped packages.

  2. Amy Spinney Reply

    Pick me Pick me!!!! We’ve just purchased our first tree from you….I’d LOVE to have new door decorations for our new home!!!!

  3. Ann Marie Stelma Graff Reply

    Some of my best memories are of decorating the tree and remembering what each ornament represents.

  4. Priscilla Skelton Reply

    I think you have some of the most beautiful Christmas items on the market. I always enjoyed seeing a lighted star hanging above the front door. I love the different decorating suggestions you give us. Thanks. Happy Holidays!

  5. Carolann Leibenguth Reply

    My favorite Christmas memory was when my son was two almost three. It was the first year he really got what Christmas was. After seeing the magic in his eyes I swore that every year I would find a way to capture that again, no matter how old he got. I am huge when it comes to decorating the house and baking and my son always enjoyed helping.

  6. laura stout Reply

    My favorite Christmas memories are when we use to decorate the whole front yard with lights and decorations. Our house was brightest on our street. It looked like a christmas candyland.

  7. Jeanne Simon Reply

    Favorite memories of being a child and waiting for Santa to come on Christmas Eve with my sister and brother!!

  8. when all my family would gather to eat Christmas dinner and exchange gifts when I was a child.

  9. Being with all my family when young and all the girls making candy. My grandparents have since passed away and I miss those days.

  10. I like greenery, the Mixed Berry Topiary or holly and mistletoe or poinsettia’s for outside.

  11. Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard Reply

    we are pretty simple – we just have a wreath and lights – yours is MUCH nicer

  12. What’s your favorite door step decoration? Everything but i would have to door wreaths, they feel so inviting.

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