Poinsettia Care Tips

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Poinsettia is the quintessential Christmas plant. Its bright-red and vibrant green hues are the colors most people associate with Christmas. While they are in-demand during the holidays, poinsettias are fragile plants, and by the end of Christmas, some of them get so bruised and damaged that most people just consign them to the garbage bin. Getting an artificial plant is an investment that will save you time and effort, but if you’re still adamant about getting a natural one, you need to focus on giving it proper care so you can have poinsettia plants that last more than a season.

Balsam Hill's Faux Holiday Pointed Poinsettia
Balsam Hill’s Faux Holiday Potted Poinsettia

Proper Lighting

Poinsettias love the sun. After all, they are subtropical plants. Choose a sunny window facing south, east, or west, as the north side of your house doesn’t get too much sunlight. During fall, make sure that it gets exactly twelve hours of darkness each day. Try covering them with a black plastic sheet at night. The darkness helps it grow. Keeping them in the sun will keep them from growing buds.


To keep the poinsettia blooming, a constant temperature of 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. Avoid exposing them to drafts or sudden changes in temperature. Dried-out or thin poinsettias are a sign of changes in weather, and being subtropical plants, they won’t appreciate a sudden change of climate. A greenhouse is perfect for growing poinsettias. If you don’t have one, your basement would make a good substitute.

Water and Fertilizer

Too much water will drown your plant. After the holidays, don’t forget to water your Poinsettia but decrease the amount by April. If you want it to bloom again, add some fertilizer. Regular doses of both will keep your topiary alive and well through the summer, but avoid adding fertilizer to the soil during the holidays.

Potting, Cutting, and Pruning

After putting the poinsettia on display for the holidays, there will be dried-out leaves and stems everywhere. Take the plant out of its sleeve, and put in a decent-sized pot. By mid-May, cut back the stems by around 4 inches, then cut them by another inch in early July. They should have grown branches and leaves by August, so cut the new stems again. Be sure to leave three or four leaves on each shoot. This is the last cutting you’ll do until the next spring, so this step is very important.

A poinsettia in bloom is a happy plant. It’s not easy, but if you take good care of it, you get the chance to see it’s rewarding bloom the following year.

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