Lindsay is the design talent behind the repurposing and other decorating projects of My Creative Days. While her frugal decorating started out as a necessity, she quickly fell in the love with the process of finding forgotten pieces and repurposing them or making them over to fit her style. It’s her passion to create these beautiful pieces and amazing spaces without breaking the bank that eventually led to the blog we know today.
Beth co-founded Haven Conference in 2012, an annual gathering for DIY bloggers and enthusiasts. Her work has been featured in numerous popular magazines, as a testament to her skill and love for design. Get to know Beth more through our Q&A section below.
BH: What do you love most about blogging?
Lindsay: I love to decorate our home and I am constantly coming up with new ways to make our space more functional and fabulous. All of that paired with a tight budget has led me into the world of DIY. It started with finding things in stores and coming home to make my own version. I still do that, but I have acquired a love for yard sales, thrift stores and flea markets. I am able to bring home one of a kind pieces and make them over to fit my style. My blog is a great platform to share all of these projects on. The best part is hearing from readers who were inspired by a project they saw on my blog and DIYed something for their own home.
BH: Tell us a little bit more about your decorating style in general.
Lindsay: Our home is filled with found treasures, repurposed pieces and farmhouse goodness. All of the eclectic pieces come together to make our home cozy, welcoming and full of charm. If I had to give my style a name it would probably be “Rustic Cottage Charm.”
BH: How would you describe your holiday decorating style? And how has itevolved through the years?
Lindsay: We live in a small home and I used to fill it to the brim with Christmas decorations. Over the past few years, I have simplified it and only decorate with things that bring our family joy. I like a neutral and natural setting with vintage touches. Christmas is all about memories so adding vintage pieces to a neutral setting makes for a warm and cozy holiday home.
BH: What holiday decorating do’s and don’ts can you share with our readers?
Lindsay: This one is simple. Do you. Don’t replicate someone else’s traditions and memories. Start your own!
BH: Is there a holiday memory that left an impression on you from yourchildhood or recent years?
Lindsay: When we were little, the family would gather at my grandparent’s house on Christmas Eve and Santa Claus would visit us there!
BH: What is your must-have ornament or piece of Christmas décor, and why?
Lindsay: If I could only have one piece of Christmas decor in my home, it would be a Christmas tree. Big or small, the Christmas tree represents the season. When I was growing up, we would decorate the tree together as a family and now we carry on that tradition in our own home. It is the one Christmas decoration that really brings the family together.
BH: How did you go about choosing your Balsam Hill tree and ornaments?
Lindsay: The size of this tree was the selling point for me. Our living isn’t big so the height and circumference of our Christmas tree is very important.
BH: What do you like most about your Balsam Hill tree? How do you plan to decorate your tree?
Lindsay: I love that the tree is pre-lit. I also love the natural look it has. I am going to keep the decorations neutral with some natural elements.
BH: Are there any holiday traditions that you enjoy doing with your loved ones every year?
Lindsay: We host Christmas Eve in our home every year. I plan games, we have a gift exchange and we feast on yummy food and drinks.
BH: What can we look forward to on your blog this holiday season? Do you have exciting new holiday decor or party ideas?
Lindsay: I will be sharing how I DIY my way through the season with new projects, holiday decor, gift ideas, and recipes.
BH: Can you tell us in a sentence what Christmas is to you?
Lindsay: Christmas is the most magical time to spend with family and friends.
Above is a small preview of Lindsay’s decorated Crescent Hill Cashmere Tree. See more of Lindsay’s beautiful holiday centerpiece by visiting My Creative Days.